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We focus our efforts exclusively on High Piled Storage Permit code compliance.
Do you store over 500 Square feet of products exceeding 12 feet high of Class I-IV Commodities or over 6 feet high of High Hazard Commodities?
Do I need a high piled storage permit?
You need a High Piled Storage Permit.
You do not need a High Piled Storage Permit. However, depending on the complexity of the commodity or storage arrangement, the Fire Department may still require a Professional Letter written by a high piled storage consultant giving an opinion on why the proposed storage is not high piled storage.
Select the current situation you are in to learn more information:
I (My customer) received a citation from the Fire Department requiring procurement of a High Piled Storage Permit.
I (My customer) has not been approached by the Fire Department but does have racking or floor storage that requires the procurement of a high piled storage permit.
I am planning a new racking installation (or floor storage) project and I am aware that a high piled storage permit will be required.
Why Choose Us?
Triad Fire Consultants, Inc. is an innovative leader in high piled storage plan technology. We have custom proprietary applications we have not heard exist anywhere else, which allow us to eliminate errors, and we can even complete an entire project front-to-back in as short as a single day! * We are trusted by many of the country’s leading material handling solutions consulting firms and agencies, and we are incredibly accurate on code analysis and detailed in our explanations. We take great pride in serving our customers and the end-users. Finally, our modus operandi is always to provide the most optimized solutions in our toolset to save the end user the most money possible, even when the solution may require more work on our part. This is a default and automatic behavior you can expect when working with us, you do not even need to ask!
* Timing for Expedited Service is contingent upon time of day request comes in, Triad Fire approval of Expedited Service request with current schedule, ability for our personnel to be given access to reach all fire protection features of the site, and ability for appropriate reference plans to be sent to us for use and review.
How can I tell how high I am allowed to store?
The best way to find out how high you can store is to fill out our New Project Form and provide a description of your commodities stored, and provide pictures of your fire riser placard****, Clear top view and both side views of the storage sprinkler (or of all sprinklers if you are not able to identify the storage sprinkler), the highest point of the ceiling to the foil or deck (NOTE! This is NOT the “clear height”!!). We will be able to run a quick analysis based on this preliminary information and let you know what you can expect with the sprinkler system you have. If your building does not have a sprinkler system, there are other alternatives we can explore.
**** The riser placard is a data plate or label, typically located around eye-level on the Fire Riser, indicating pressures and other metrics of the system. This placard is sometimes located in the inner flap of the red spare head box mounted to the wall at eye level next to the fire riser.
What Exactly is a High Piled Storage Permit?
A high piled storage permit is a permit issued by the local fire authority pursuant to the Fire Code, indicating that a permit is required where more than 500 square feet of high piled storage is present in a facility fire area. High Piled Storage is defined as the storage of goods in closely packed piles in excess of 12 feet high for Class I-IV commodities and in excess of 6 feet high for High Hazard commodities (such as plastics and foam).
The high piled storage plan is a plan that represents code compliance on all high piled storage related features as required by the Fire Code, the NFPA 13: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, other codes related to specific hazards (such as Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Aerosols) as well as any local ordinances.
Due to the relatively higher challenge fires produced by high piled storage conditions compared to other occupancies, several building features are required to be present in addition to just sprinkler systems. The primary objective of the high piled storage plan is to demonstrate code compliance on these additional features. Such features include smoke and heat vents, access doors, proper flue spaces, oversized shelf conditions, commodity classification, fire sprinkler protection, in-rack sprinkler protection (if required), steel building column protection (if required), and smoke and heat detection (if required).
What permits are “Associated” with a High Piled Storage Permit?
Depending on the jurisdiction, obtaining a high piled storage permit may also require another permit in tandem with it, namely the storage racking permit that is required by the Building Department. Additionally, some high piled storage permits may require additional building features that would need their own plan submittals and permits, such as the installation of egress lighting, sprinkler system installations and modifications, in-rack sprinklers, smoke vent installations, and access door installations. Call Triad Fire today to discuss your situation and we can help you navigate through all of the associated permit requirements, should any exist.

Looking for Flue Labels?

The contents of this website are not a substitute for professional high piled storage advice for your particular situation. Under no circumstances does the content contained herein create an attorney-client relationship nor is it a solicitation to offer high piled storage advice. Additionally, there may be other issues that can have a significant effect on your storage configuration and permit that are relevant to your building that are not discussed on this website. If you ignore this warning and act on any of the content written on this website that may affect your high piled storage permit without consulting Triad Fire Consultants, Inc. for your particular case, it will be done solely and completely at your own risk.